Letting Go

July 22, 2008 at 10:57 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

Do you ever feel like you’re naked in front of a crowed when you worship God in church?

I do.

I feel like I’m being watched. Even when I don’t know any of the people I’m worshiping with. I feel like I’m being judged and I feel like people are analyzing my outward expressions of worship.

I think that we, as the body, need to learn to let go and forget about everyone else around us.

But how do we do that? Do we pretend that we’re the only people around?

I think that letting go means that we except the fact that we’re surrounded and don’t let it effect the way we worship our savior. No one should be influencing our praise in a negative way.

Do any of you struggle with worshiping in public?


  1. Jared Woodard said,

    I think I definetly do.Letting go is very hard,but i think its very neccisary in order to give up authentic worship to God.

  2. robdrums said,

    I definitely feel like I’m being watched when I worship. Even around strangers. I think for me it’s a fear of looking stupid or something. My woship pastor Scott Hobbs says that worship is about freedom. He says that when we get to that place where we stop, that’s when we need to press through. What I need to remember is that it’s not about how it looks, if the music is any good, or how many hands are in the air. Worship is not about what we get out of it, it’s about giving God what HE deserves, no matter how it looks. I have it made up in my head that worship is supposed to look a certain way and I get self-conscious when I try to do it that way. The cool thing is ,when I get lost in worship it just happens.

  3. Jessica said,

    I posted about this about a few weekes ago… I struggle with it but even more then that, I get more upset that I see people that just dont know how to get lost in worship! I say we have a “worship night” where its so powerful and like an Hr long so people cant help but let go!

  4. anne jackson said,

    this is such a great post. and yes. and see you soon. 🙂

  5. Laura said,

    Yes, I do struggle with this…but I also struggle with worship when I am alone before God. Maybe if I get that part right, worshiping with other people would not be hard.

  6. David Grisham said,

    I often see people who let it go every Sunday and I watch them and for a second I think they look silly…then I get jealous…cause they are truly worshiping and I am standing there “naked” behind my coffee mug. I think this carries into several areas of our lives. My brother Todd is 28 and has Down’s syndrome. He loves music and when he gets into a song he dances….he doesn’t know superman or the macarana…he just does what his body wants to do and it is so uplifting to watch…In worship I need to do what my heart wants me to do…and I could hear it if it weren’t for all the noise my brain is making…

  7. Alan Binkley said,

    Oh my. I feel totally stupid during worship. I think most people do. We are so caught up with what people think and say about us in public that even among people we claim as family, we are afraid to let go.

    Every Christmas that i have been alive, my family gets together in the den after we have lunch and we sing Christmas carols before opening gifts. Yeah, my family is all sitting around and singing, with only us “youngins” not really singing because we are afraid to look silly. This is my FAMILY and after all of the idiocy throughout my life that they have all seen firsthand, I am afraid to sing in front of them?

    It is very easy to see where Satan has us held. And as much as I hate to admit the fact that he has a hold on me, I can’t see that I am doing much in this area to fight him off. Easy pickings.

  8. Matthew Daniel said,

    Man, this is such a topic near and dear to my heart. The word to describe my physical demonstrations of worship would be crazy! When I was in jr. high, someone talked about worshiping with “reckless abandon,” and I knew that’s the kind of worshiper I wanted to be.

    Growing up, I worshiped on the front row, so I couldn’t see anyone else around me staring at me when I jumped around or rocked or just sat absolutely still and quiet. The church I grew up in allowed me a little freedom, and over time, the environment became more and more free (not chaotic), but free.

    I’m a “biggon,” which in Arkansan means I’m big. When I worship, people see me, and I know it. I came to terms with that a long time ago. I want my worship of the King to be focused so tightly on Him, that while I struggle inside to deal with the stares of others, I refuse to be denied. I let everything that’s in my heart, come out in my voice, my face, my hands, my whole body. I look quite strange during worship, but I’ve had hundreds over the years ask me how they can develop that freedom for themselves. Refuse to be denied in your reckless abandon of worship to the King.

    When that happens, you’ll dance, you’ll stand absolutely still, you’ll stand, you’ll lay on your face and sing, you’ll lift hands, you’ll hold your arms in tight, you’ll smile, you’ll frown. Expressions of worship always look different for each person, they have to, it’s so personal.

    I still struggle to be authentic, because the stares of others always affect what’s going on inside.


  9. cortni said,

    What Laura said struck a cord. I think my own thoughts must be way worse than what other people could be thinking. When I really focus on the meaning of the words I am singing then I am able to let go.

  10. krista said,

    i used to worry that i sounded terrible until i listened to everyone around me one sunday…we’re all singing on key, but whether it’s the same key is debateable haha!! i just remember who i’m really singing for and there’s no problem belting it out in front of others.

    and for the record, i think you do a wonderful job, JRod.

  11. annie said,

    @ Jessica – I totally agree. I come in to worship most Sundays with the weight of the week still on me. It usually takes 2 or 3 songs of worship before I feel like I can shake off the week and focus on why I’m there. By the time I am “warmed up” it’s time to sit down. I’m not sure what the solution is, but maybe I need to spend more time mentally preparing for worship rather than squealing in on two tires with the car smoking trying to get in on time!

    As far as letting go in worship, I always wonder what I look like but maybe that’s because I am so easily distracted by others. That’s why I usually claim a seat close to the front so I can focus on who is singing or speaking.

    Jarrod – You guys seem to always top the week before. I always hate when I miss even a minute of worship.

  12. OCD-ism/Obsessive Christian Disorder said,

    Jarrod…. are you kidding me????!! I, for one, LOVE your worship style! I have told you before, you totally move me because when you lead WORSHIP, you are truly WORSHIPPING!! (is that even a word??) Some people get up there and PERFORM… you never do that! I am not the only one who feels this way!!!!! WE (and I’ll not name names) talk about you ALL THE TIME!!

    In a good “Christian Sorta Way”…. teehee…. 🙂

    YOU ARE THE BEST and I worship best when I feel the Holy Spirit through your worship!!

    That’s just the way it is….

    signed….Fuzzy Headed Debbie…. (yeah, I still remember!)

  13. Pete Wilson said,

    Sadly….almost every week I struggle at some level with this.

  14. Melissa said,

    I do all the time. It seems like there’s certain, measureable criterion I have to exhibit before I’m “really worshipping”. I have no doubt that many people do enjoy being more demonstrative in their worship, but I often worship best when I’m just singing and closing my eyes. I’ve finally just stopped raising my hands when the worship leader says to unless I really feel like it because to do so “on command” often makes me feel very self-conscious…and then I’m all worried about how long I have to keep ’em raised….:)

  15. ryan said,

    this was a problem for me until i finally stopped singing and decided that authentic, silent worship reflecting on the words is better than vocal, self-conscious pseudo-worship (i.e. non-worship).

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