My Inpiration

October 30, 2008 at 2:58 am (Uncategorized) (, , )

This guy is my hero!


  1. Jad said,

    yup. he taught me everything I know.

  2. Anita said,

    Great. My husband just got a new keyboard for his computer. Now he’s gonna want one of those.

  3. Jenni Catron said,

    So when we don’t have a drummer for Sunday, this guy can fill in, right?

  4. Jared Woodard said,

    dude,he could totally do my job in the studio!!!

  5. Jessica said,

    That is Rock in Roll! So Funny!!!!

  6. cartersisland said,

    all i gotta say is… “this is rock and roll”

  7. krista said,

    i have a hard time believing that was real…

  8. waswrittenin said,

    This just made my day… seriously. Freakin’ hilarious. I am going to steal this video and post it on my blog…

  9. mandoron said,


  10. Rod said,

    “Rock and Roll is very simple”

    Rock on Dude!!

  11. chad said,

    turd beat? now that wok and woll!

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